Photo by Chelsea Elizabeth

Photo by Chelsea Elizabeth

Many underestimate the power of a professional photographer and think that if a photographer displays some nice images, he/she is automatically an excellent wedding photographer.  Being a studio photographer is not enough.  Doing photography as a hobby is not enough.  Just producing nice images in a portfolio for your viewing pleasure is not enough.    A truly stellar professional wedding and event photographer has carefully balanced amazing story-telling,  capturing the soul of the event the day of the wedding, and he/she provides the following services as an absolute minimum:

  • Has working knowledge of the wedding venue and all the best spots to take the bridal party for pre-ceremony and post-ceremony photos
  • Works with the bride in advance to determine all pre-ceremony and post-ceremony group shots desired as well as special requests of the bride
  • Takes firm charge of the bridal party in helping organize and orchestrate pre-ceremony photo and post-ceremony photo scheduling and staging
  • Has a working knowledge of the key elements to capture photographically during a wedding and is present and dialed as the event progresses
  • Generally includes an assistant day of the wedding
  • Works stealthly and independently and does not interfere with any other aspect of the wedding
  • Knows appropriate attire to wear while working a wedding and proper professional etiquette
  • Provides a clear package list, explaining all the options to the bride and groom and what may suit their budget and vision best
  • Is just plain wonderful to work with and makes the photographic experience fun!

The following photographers have spent years working with Kerry Lee and already meet the minimum service basics above – and above and beyond.  While not required, their exclusive use is strongly recommended.


neumann photog logo




michael anna costa photo logo

rewind photog logo

robert chan logo

Vita-Bella New Logo